

today is my 1st write my blog...

dont know y...hurt again...
today go wisma shopping with my family...
shopping... shopping...
suddenly think dao...she today will go shopping with her now de bf
start hurt...hurt...hurt...n hurt
i stand at a way then think....
how she shopping with her bf leh?
happy than shopping with me?
together with he happy than together with me?
have many question go out let me think...
yue think jiu yue hurt...

y she can like tat...
she know i very hurt bcoz she...
juz now i go c her blog...
write what dear arhx...many thing about her bf...
but me leh???
when she together with me...
she have write about me at her blog? HAVET
she have call me dear arhx...ling arhx...laogong arhx...at her facebook? HAVET
she have write in her msn..."luv u so much"? OSO HAVET
but now she together with he...what oso HAVE...

until this time...i think i c her blog i will not hurt...bcoz i no her bf again...
mana tahu...
oso will hurt...
i c...she like very happy with her bf now...
what oso write at her blog about her bf de thing...
but me...lian i help she celebrate her birthday tat day oso havet say dao me...
one thanks you oso havet...
one love me so much oso havet...
but now...her bf bring she go out shopping oni...
oredi can say dao her very happy in her blog...
may be i rili...................................

i rili dont know y...
until now oso cant forget she...
everyday will miss she...
may be i rili love her lar...
but oso havet use de lar...now sh oredi love another person...very very very love lagi...
haiz...lazy write oredi...
night lar......